Please Sign Petition To Have Disneyland Stop JW's Preaching Outside Gate
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Jehovah's witnesses have been involved in vast amount of pedophilia cases. Late last year a detailed report was released by the Australian Royal Commission on 1006 files of reported sexual abuse since 1950 and not a single one if these was ever reported to the authorities.Link Here .The Watchtower had failed to report over 1006 alleged child abusers in its membership to the authorities, and that this was not merely due to incompetence but rather a deliberate result of Watchtower policy and doctrine. Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, a place where families gather to enjoy a day out. Little do they know that right outside the gates are wolves dressed in sheep's clothing. I implore The Walt Disney Company not to allow this organization to post outside its gates which would cause a deliberate threat to children and family.